Development of a drill bounce board on a table tennis game

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I Bagus Endrawan
Bayu Hardiyono
Noviria Sukmawati
Muhamad Ari Nugroho


Table tennis was originally a recreational sport played for fun. Table tennis is played with the aim of scoring points by hitting the ball over the net onto the opponent's table so that the opponent cannot return the ball. A backboard tool can be used to help pupils practise driving shots in table tennis. The backboard tool can also be used to increase the repetitions of students' drive shot consistency training. The aim of this research is to develop table tennis drills using a backboard at Sriwijaya State Sports School in 2023. The type of research used is quantitative with a developmental approach method. The population and sample in this research are 10 Sriwijaya State Sports School table tennis athletes. person. The results of this research indicate that the developed backboard tool is effective in increasing motivation to practice drill drive strokes in table tennis, based on the results of interviews with students after practicing drill drive strokes using a backboard tool. Apart from this, the findings or novelty of this research is different from previous research in that the reflective board products produced are more practical and easy to carry and store. Subsequent research suggests developing more portable or foldable versions to facilitate outdoor use or in places with limited space.

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How to Cite
Endrawan, I. B., Hardiyono, B., Sukmawati, N., & Nugroho, M. A. (2024). Development of a drill bounce board on a table tennis game . Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, 13(2), 142–151.
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