Development of a model of reaction speed training tools for sitting volleyball athletes NPCI Lahat district

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Muslimin Muslimin
Mohd. Yoga Saputra
Aprizal Fikri
Apita Mareli


This study aimed to develop a model of a reaction speed training tool for NPCI Sitting Volleyball athletes in the Lahat Regency. This type of development research uses the Research & Development development model approach developed by Borg & Gall. The research subjects were 24 male and female sitting volleyball athletes at NPCI Lahat Regency. The data collection instrument uses a questionnaire, observation, and skill test model training tools. Data analysis techniques use the percentage %. The results of the study were based on validation experts who were assessed by two experts, namely volleyball learning experts and coach practitioner experts. The results of the small group trial were carried out on sitting volleyball athletes from NPCI in Lahat Regency with a total of 12 athletes and 24 athletes large-scale. The results of the small-scale trial with a percentage Score of 91% valid with revisions and the large-scale trial obtained a percentage score of 93% valid without revisions which is in the good/decent category. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of a reaction speed training pool model for sitting volleyball athletes at NPCI Lahat Regency can be used to increase the reaction speed of sitting volleyball athletes. The novelty of this development model is that it uses media tools and is supported by an arrangement of training models which are of course the characteristics of sitting volleyball athletes without losing the aim of reaction speed trainng

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How to Cite
Muslimin, M., Saputra, M. Y., Fikri, A., & Mareli, A. (2023). Development of a model of reaction speed training tools for sitting volleyball athletes NPCI Lahat district. Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, 12(2), 361–372.
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