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  • I confirm that the manuscript submitted to this journal Sriwijaya Journal of Sport: (1) has been checked a plagiarism software/application, such as Turnitin, that it does not contain plagiarism, (2) has not been published elsewhere (or even in-press elsewhere), and (3) is not being submitted for publication in other journals in the same moment.
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  1. Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan publishes scientific papers and research results in scientific studies of sports, good education, coaching, and so on in developing theories and concepts that have never been developed. This journal (1) New Information Collection, (2) data analysis
  2. Writing the manuscript in Indonesian correctly. Manuscript length between 8-12 pages, A4 size paper, typed in 1.5 spaces, Times New Roman font, font size 12, top, left, right, and bottom margins 2,54 cm
  3. The manuscript is written systematically and has the following conditions.
  4. Title: written briefly, concisely, consisting of 5-17 words, and using Indonesian and English, must change the scientific substance described in the body of the article. The main title (main title) and sub-title (subtitle) are selected with two dots. Decorative article title 15 mm below the top edge, in bold capital-lower case. The title of the section is ranked 1 time all capital, average left edge, thick, rank 2 times small capital, average left edge, thick; Rank 3 times small-capital, average left edge, bold-slanted.
  5. Author's name: The name of the author of the article written without academic permission or any degree. The full name with the academic degree can be written at the bottom of the first page of the article. The name of the institution where the author works also makes a footnote on the first page. If there are more than three authors, only the main author is listed under the title; other authors' names are written in the footnotes. accompanied by email and affiliation.
  6. Abstract scientific/conceptual study articles are a consolidation of the contents of articles published by the author using Indonesian and English. Abstract, research results, problems, objectives, methods, and research results. The abstract consists of 150-200 words arranged in one paragraph with a non-enumerative essay format and is typed with a single space and a format that is more complicated than the main text.
  7. Keywords consist of 3-6 words, namely terms that represent basic ideas or concepts discussed in the use of scientific work. Keywords usually consist of basic words or words that stand alone (singular) instead of a series of words.
  8. The resulting manuscript is rewritten in the order of (1) title, (2) author's name, (3) abstract, (4) keywords, and (5) introductory section which must end with a brief formula (1-2 sentences) on the main points which will be discussed and the purpose of the discussion. The research articles contain (a) the formulation of the problem, (b) the objectives, (c) a brief description of the discussion in the introduction, (6) the contents of the research method, (b) the research results, and (c) the discussion. (8) conclusions and suggestions, (9) bibliography.
  9. The manuscript goes beyond the research results which are written in the order of (1) title, (2) author's name, (3) abstract, (4) keywords, (5) introduction to the published background and problem formulation, (6) Method, (7) Result and Discussion, (8) conclusion, and (8) bibliography.
  10. Tables and pictures/charts are successfully printed on one page, and numbers and titles of tables and figures are printed on the table in bold. The contents in the table are printed in normal font (not bold). Tables use only horizontal lines (horizontal borders).
  11. Bibliography for the last 10 years, a minimum of 20 references. APA Style