The influence of balance of leg muscle explosive power and confidence on the climbing success of rock climbing athletes

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Bayu Hardiyono
Selvi Atesya Kesumawati
Dwi Huriati
Agustin Dwi Cahyani
Al Kautshar Al Kautshar


This research aims to determine the extent of the influence of three independent variables, namely balance, lower limb muscle explosive power, self-confidence, on the dependent variable, climbing performance. The method used in this study is path analysis, which is a technique employed to investigate the causal relationships between independent and dependent variables. The sample for this research consists of 30 rock climbing athletes. In order to collect research data, various test instruments were used, including (1) Climbing test, (2) Questionnaire, (3) Dynamic balance test, and (4) Belly muscle explosive power test (vertical jump). The data analysis techniques utilized in this study include (1) path analysis, (2) simple correlation, and (3) coefficient of determination. The findings of this study reveal that: (1) out of the six research questions posed, all of them indicate results confirming a direct influence among the variables under investigation. (2) The direct impact of lower limb muscle explosive power on the climbing success of rock climbing athletes exhibits the highest results compared to other problem formulations.

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How to Cite
Hardiyono, B., Kesumawati, S. A., Huriati, D., Cahyani, A. D., & Al Kautshar, A. K. (2023). The influence of balance of leg muscle explosive power and confidence on the climbing success of rock climbing athletes. Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, 12(2), 394–403.
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