Biomotor ability of taekwondo athletes as promotion and degradation
Efforts to revive the glory of sports in Papua continue to be carried out by the Papuan government by fostering talented young athletes. The study aims to describe the results of measuring the biomotor components of taekwondo athletes as a consideration for the promotion and degradation of student sports education and training center athletes in taekwondo sports. The type of research used is descriptive comparative. The population was 80 athletes using purposive sampling specifically taekwondo sports athletes totalling 29 athletes. Data collection techniques sit and reach, vertical jump, sit up, push up, back and leg dynamometer,and bleep test. Data analysis techniques using comparative descriptive statistics. The results showed that the dominant category of biomotor components included flexibility "sufficient" 82.8%, power "excellent" 41.4%, arm muscle endurance category "moderate" 72.4%, abdominal muscle endurance category "moderate" 65.5%, back muscle strength category "moderate" 51.7%, leg muscle strength category "moderate" 44.8%, and VO2Max category "less" 48.3%. Based on the results of the research, male athletes who are recommended for promotion are 12 athletes and female athletes are 11 athletes. Conclusion: It was found that the biomotor component of power was better than the other components and there were significant differences in biomotor power and abdominal muscle endurance between promotion and relegation athletes.
Biomotor, taekwondo, promotion, degradation
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