Physical educational games model to improve physical literacy skill of children in Kurikulum Merdeka
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This study aims to improve the physical literacy of children aged 7-9 years based on basic movements in physical education learning through a variety of basic motion-based games. The research method is ADDIE with data analysis using presets and pretest experiments. and posttest. The sample used was 29 students of class V Public Alementary School 025 Cikutra. The sampling used is saturated sampling. The instrument chosen in data collection is by using a physical literacy questionnaire. Data analysis in this study used two types of analysis, namely presentation analysis to measure product feasibility and paired simple t-test analysis to determine the effect of applying basic motion variations on increasing children's physical literacy. Based on the feasibility results of the process of developing variations of basic motion games, a presentation score of 88% was obtained in the "Good" category while for the magnitude of the increase in students' physical literacy by 29% and even in this research it was found that variations of basic motion-based games had an effect on increasing physical literacy abilities in children aged 7-9 years
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