Development of basic movement ability tests for students with mental disabilities in special schools

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Alchonity Harika Fitri
Alnedral Alnedral
Nurul Ihsan
Syafruddin Syafruddin
José Vicente García-Jiménez


Researchers found facts in the field that, seen in initial observations and values taken from the basic movement ability tests observed, there were five basic movement indicators in students with intellectual disabilities, namely; balance, walking, running, jumping and object manipulation more than 70% of students are very poor, and not good. This study aims to develop a basic motor ability test instrument for intellectually disabled students aged 8-13 years in special schools. This study uses the ADDIE development approach (analies, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The study was conducted on 30 intellectually disabled students in special schools in Padang City. The results of the study are basic motor ability test instruments for intellectually disabled students consisting of 4 tests, namely; basketball throw test, 4-second sprint test (4 sec. dash), wall pass test , and standing broad jump test which have been tested for validity with a value of 0.000 and its reliability test with a value of 0.811. So the researcher concluded that the basic motor ability test instrument for intellectually disabled students developed by the researcher meets good criteria.

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How to Cite
Harika Fitri , A., Alnedral, A., Ihsan, N., Syafruddin, S., & García-Jiménez, J. V. (2024). Development of basic movement ability tests for students with mental disabilities in special schools. Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, 13(2), 266–275.
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