Physical Fitness Levels in children with intellectual disabilities aged 13-15 years in Kebumen Regency in 2024
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The purpose of the study was to determine the fitness level of students with intellectual disabilities aged 13-15 years in Kebumen district in 2024. The design of this study is using survey techniques. The sampling process of the study used purposive sampling techniques as many as 47 people consisting of 29 sons and 17 daughters. This TKJDI measuring instrument has been tested by showing the value of validity and reliability. The validity value of TKJDI is 0.968 (male) and 0.914 (female), then the reliability value of TKJDI is 0.896 (male) and 0.883 (female). Data analysis using quantitative descriptive techniques obtained by TKJDI survey method. Produced average data on BMI for Boys (19.43) in the Ideal category and Women (21.40) in the ideal category, Sitting test for Men (25.07) in the medium category and Women (24.06) in the good category, Men's (12.86) in the less category and Women's (12.71) in the less category, Men's bench up and down test (105.86) in the Very good category and Women's (87.76) in the good category. The results of the study and discussion concluded that the level of physical fitness of children with intellectual disabilities in Kebumen was in good condition with a total score of 15 in children with intellectual disabilities in boys and 15 in children with intellectual disabilities in girls. Contributing to future research, it is necessary to identify more about the factors that affect physical fitness and how to improve the physical fitness of children with mild intellectual disabilities.
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