Futsal future: exploring the skills of junior high school 18 Semarang players
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This study aims to determine the level and extent of basic futsal technique skills among extracurricular participants at Junior High School 18 Semarang City. A quantitative descriptive method employing a test and measurement approach was utilized. The population consisted of 50 students engaged in futsal extracurricular activities at Junior High School 18 Semarang City, with 24 students selected as the sample using purposive sampling, representing those actively involved in futsal matches. The research instrument employed was a Test and Measurement tool for Basic Futsal Technical Skills. After assessing the basic technical skills, categorized as excellent, good, sufficient, lacking, and very lacking, the study calculated the percentage of each category. Data processing revealed that 2 students (8.3%) were rated as very good, 4 students (16.7%) as good, 7 students (29.2%) as sufficient, 9 students (37.5%) as lacking, and 2 students (8.3%) as very lacking. The average score of 40.8983 fell within the interval 37.91932 ≤ X < 43.27152, indicating a sufficient category. Consequently, it can be concluded that the basic futsal technical skills level among extracurricular participants at Junior High School 18 Semarang City is deemed insufficient.
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