The effect of wallpass training on Persitara U-12 Indralaya’s passing accuracy ability

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Ardi Julriansyah
Syamsuramel Syamsuramel
Wahyu Indra Bayu


This research aims to assess the impact of Wall Pass training on the passing accuracy of the Persitara U-12 Indralaya football team. The study involved 30 players from the team, selected through total sampling, with a total sample size of 30 individuals. The research utilized a Pre-Experimental method with The One Group Pretest and Posttest design. The primary assessment tool was a passing accuracy test, and data were collected through pretest and posttest measurements. The training intervention consisted of Wall Pass exercises conducted three times a week. The study's results revealed a significant increase in the mean value, with a notable improvement of 1.233 from the pretest to the posttest. Statistical analysis produced a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05), supporting the hypothesis that Wall Pass training positively influences passing accuracy. In conclusion, the implementation of Wall Pass training, as implicated in this research, successfully enhanced the passing accuracy skills of the Persitara U-12 Indralaya football team. Wall Pass exercises proved to be an effective training method for improving passing accuracy. This research provides valuable insights into the positive effects of Wall Pass training on the passing skills of the Persitara U-12 Indralaya football team, emphasizing its significance as a practical and beneficial training approach.

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How to Cite
Julriansyah, A., Syamsuramel, S., & Bayu, W. I. (2024). The effect of wallpass training on Persitara U-12 Indralaya’s passing accuracy ability. Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, 12(2), 427–434.
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