Free passing training model for improving the underpassing skills of male volleyball players aged 12-14 years
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The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the free passing training model on down passing skills in male volleyball players aged 12-14 years at Permata volleyball Club. The method in this research is quantitative descriptive. This type of experimental research uses a one group pretest and posttest design research design. The sample in this study was 34 male volleyball players aged 12-14 years at Permata volleyball Club. The sample in this study was selected using a purposive sampling technique where players took part in performance coaching at the Permanta Volleyball Club. The instruments in this research were the Brumbach Forearms Pas Wall Volley Test and the AAHPER face pass wall-volley test. The data analysis technique uses the t test (paired sample t test). t Based on the t test results, the lower passing data has an Fcount of 13.265 and an Ftable value of 2.036 and a lower passing t sig of 0.000 < 0.05. These results mean that there is an influence of the free passing training model on the bottom passing skills of male volleyball players aged 12-14 years at Permata Volleyball Club. This free paasing training model is appropriate for coaches and the general public to implement for volleyball players aged 12-14 years.
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