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Motivational general arousal: an Exercise to reduce emotions in pencak silat athletes


In the world of sports, there is a form of psychological training that is often used and proven to be effective in dealing with athletes' emotions, namely Motivational General Arousal (MGA) which is one part of imagery training. However, unfortunately, this form of training is still rarely applied in Indonesia, especially in the sport of Pencak silat. This study aims to examine the significant influence of the MGA form of training on reducing the emotions of pencak silat athletes. The experimental method used in this research was a one-group pretest-posttest design involving 18 East Belitung pencak silat athletes (9 women and 9 men). The MGA treatment was given for 5 weeks to the samples intensively, before and after the treatment the samples were given the Multidimensional Emotion Questionnaire (MEQ) to measure emotions. After the data was obtained, it was analyzed using SPSS Version 26 using the t-test. The results of the research show that there is a significant influence of the MGA form of training on improving the emotions of pencak silat athletes, which is also proven by all the graphs which decreased after being given Motivational General Arousal (MGA) imagery training with an average difference of 6%. This research concludes that the MGA form of training is recommended to be applied in the world of sports because this form of mental training can help athletes perform optimally when athletes can self-regulate their emotions and focus on the competition despite internal and external pressure.


motivational general arousal, emotion, athlete



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