A Physical education learning methods to prevent and handle cases of bullying: systematic literature review

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Muhamamd Army Akbar Akbar
Herita Warni


This study investigates the use of various learning methods in physical education to address and prevent bullying. Bullying is a significant issue in schools that negatively impacts students' physical and psychological well-being. It can disrupt learning, create an unsafe environment, and diminish the quality of education. Therefore, effective measures are crucial to prevent and address bullying in schools. The goal of this research is to assess the effectiveness of different learning methods in physical education to tackle bullying in schools and provide recommendations for relevant and effective strategies. The PICO method was utilized as a framework to screen and select pertinent articles. This method helps to evaluate various learning methods for preventing and addressing bullying in schools. Data collection began by searching for relevant articles from Google Scholar, CrossRef, and Scopus databases using the "Publish or Perish" search engine. Out of 991 articles reviewed, up to 12 focused on the cooperative learning model, which is recommended for implementation in physical education. This model has demonstrated the ability to enhance social skills and provide practical experiences related to bullying.

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How to Cite
Akbar, M. A. A., Mashud, M., & Warni, H. (2024). A Physical education learning methods to prevent and handle cases of bullying: systematic literature review . Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, 13(2), 201–212. https://doi.org/10.36706/altius.v13i2.68
Literature Review


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