The level of aerobic endurance capacity of Semarang City handball athletes
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Handball is a sport that requires good physical condition during the training process and the match. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical condition of aerobic endurance of Semarang City Handball Athletes in 2023. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with test and measurement techniques. The sample withdrawal used in this study used a purposive sampling technique with a sample of 28 athletes. Data collection using the MFT (Multistage Fitness Test) test instrument to measure aerobic endurance. Data analysis techniques using quantitative descriptive statistical calculations with percentages. The results of research and discussion show that the aerobic endurance conditions of male athletes in the good category are as many as (14.29%), athletes in the enough category are as many as (21.43%), athletes in the deficient category are as many as (21.43%), and athletes in the very deficient category are as many as (42.86%). The results of measuring female athletes obtained athletes in the good category as many as (7.14%), athletes in enough category as many as (21.43%), athletes in the less category as many as (57.14%), and athletes in the very less category as many as (14.29%). This study concludes that the aerobic endurance condition of Semarang City Handball athletes in 2023 shows a low category for male and female athletes with an average VO2Max score of 36.34 kg/ml/min and 28.68 kg/ml/min respectively.
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